
7artisans Vision 25, 35, 50mm T1.05 – New APS-C Cinema Lenses

January 6th, 2022 Jump to Comment Section 3
7artisans Vision 25, 35, 50mm T1.05 - New APS-C Cinema Lenses

7artisans Vision is a new APS-C cinema prime lens line that currently contains three T1.05 lenses – 25mm, 35mm, and 50mm. The lenses feature clickless geared rings, 270° focus throw, full-metal body, 82mm front filter thread, and they come for Sony E, Leica L, Canon RF, FUJIFILM X, and Micro Four Thirds mirrorless lens mounts. The lenses are quite affordable at $430 – $549 per piece.

Established in 2016, the Chinese lens manufacturer 7artisans produces affordable fully manual lenses for a wide variety of lens mounts. The company recently launched three affordable cinema prime lenses – let’s take a short look at the new 7artisans Vision cine lenses.

7artisans Vision cinema lenses

As I mentioned above, the company starts the fully manual Vision primes line with three focal lengths:

  • 25mm T1.05 – 58.6° angle of view (APS-C)
  • 35mm T1.05 – 44° angle of view (APS-C)
  • 50mm T1.05 – 31.8° angle of view (APS-C)

Those seem like standard focal lengths for a full-frame sensor, but don’t be mistaken – the lenses only cover APS-C sensors. Funnily enough, for some of the promotional photos, 7artisans mounted the lenses on Sony FX3, which does not even have APS-C crop mode. Anyway, let’s take a look at some more specs.

7artisans Vision 25mm T1.05 cine lens. Source: 7artisans

As 7artisans already offer 25, 35, and 50mm f/0.95 photo lenses, my bet is that these are the same lenses, only rehoused in a cine enclosure. The geared aperture ring is, of course, clickless. The aperture consists of 13 blades (12 blades for the 35mm) and it is available between T1.05 and T16.

7artisans claim that the lenses show minimal focus breathing. The geared focus ring has a 270° focus throw. The minimum focusing distance is 0.23m for the 25mm lens, 0.37m for the 35mm lens, and 0.5m for the 50mm lens.

7artisans Vision 35mm T1.05 cine lens. Source: 7artisans

When it comes to optical structure, the 25mm lens has 11 elements in 9 groups, the 35mm lens has 11 elements in 8 groups, and the 50mm lens comprises 7 elements in 5 groups. The lenses feature an 82mm front filter thread.

7artisans Vision 50mm T1.05 cine lens. Source: 7artisans

7artisan Vision lenses feature a full-metal construction. Unlike other cinema lenses, these three lenses are not the same size – they vary in length, but the diameter is the same for all three. Thankfully, the position of the focus and aperture rings is also the same across all three lenses. The lens size and weight are as follows:

  • 25mm T1.05 – 89.6x106mm, around 956g
  • 35mm T1.05 – 89.6x85mm, around 753g
  • 50mm T1.05 – 89.6×85.4mm, around 679g

When it comes to lens mounts, all three lenses were designed for mirrorless cameras, so they will be available for Sony E, Canon RF, Leica L, FUJIFILM X, and Micro Four Thirds lens mounts. On their webpage, 7artisans also claims that the lenses will be compatible with BMPCC 6K cameras (Canon EF mount), but I suppose that is only a mistake.

7artisans Vision – rig and MTF chart. Source: 7artisans

Price and availability

The 7artisans Vision lenses are available now. The price has been set to $549 for the 25mm, $499 for the 35mm, and $430 for the 50mm lens. For reference, the equivalent 7artisans 25, 35, and 50mm f/0.95 photo lenses sell from $240 to $370 per lens.

7artisans Vision cine lenses. Source: 7artisans

7artisans will also offer a safety protection box (with IP67 protection level) for transporting the lenses with precise foam cutouts. There is no information on whether the box will be included with the purchase or whether it has to be purchased separately. It seems to me that it will be included with the purchase of the whole set of three lenses.

Do you use any of the 7artisans manual lenses for your video work? How do you like the optical performance? What do you think about the new Vision cinema lenses? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section underneath the article.



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