
Color Grading 101 Masterclass by Colourlab Ai – Free Offer With CineD Code

Color Grading 101 Masterclass by Colourlab Ai - Free Offer With CineD Code

Color grading 101 masterclass is a 10-module course from Dado Valentic that focuses on working with Colourlab Ai. It shows quick workflows for getting the desired look in an app that integrates with popular NLEs. The masterclass is now available for $129 and includes a functioning 30-day Colourlab license, sample material, Discord community server access, and a discount for a Colourlab Ai subscription. Use our exclusive code “CINED4U” to get it for FREE! Code is valid until Monday, July 18th, Friday, July 22nd, 11:59 PM PST – So be fast!

In case you never heard of Colourlab Ai, it is an app that allows users to easily color grade their footage based on the look of a reference image or graded clip. Additionally, Colourlab can ease the process of matching the color look between different cameras.

In fact, back in 2020, we talked with Colourlab Ai CEO Dado Valentic (who is also an established colorist in the feature film industry) about the app and its advantages. Make sure to check the interview (and the corresponding article) in case you missed it. Dado is now offering a color grading masterclass for Colourlab Ai – let’s take a look at the details.

Color grading 101 masterclass

First and foremost, this course from Dado Valentic focuses on working with the Colourlab Ai software. With the masterclass, the company mainly targets cinematographers, filmmakers, or editors who want to learn how to get the most of the software. They claim the course is suitable for people who can’t or don’t want to invest a huge amount of time to learn the color grading workflows in DaVinci Resolve or even switch away from Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro as Coloulab Ai is not tied to any specific NLE.

In this course, Dado promises to teach you how with a minimum effort and by using an Ai color grading tool Colourlab Ai it is possible to grade images. He claims that in less than a few hours, you will be able to start using Colourlab Ai and seamlessly integrate it into your current workflow.

You will be able to take advantage of color meta where color is virtualized and now only small metadata can replace large renders or transfers, allowing you to easily move looks from location to location or one software platform to the next.

Colourlab Ai
Colourlab Ai software. Source: Colour.Training

Course modules and what is included

The Color grading 101 masterclass is divided into 10 modules and each of those focuses on a different area of the color grading process with the Colourlabs Ai app.

  1. Color Management – The first module focuses on color management which is the fastest shortcut to transform the images from flat to ones full of color and character.
  2. Exposure – This module shows how to properly balance the exposure of each clip and how to efficiently work with exposure tools.
  3. Temperature – Temperature is not only important to correct the White Balance setting, but also to help drive emotion and atmosphere.
  4. Contrast – This part will focus on how you can transform the clip by using simple contrast control or more advanced contrast curves.
  5. Density – Density, also known as Gamma is part of image adjustment that has the highest impact on the perception of talent’s faces. In this part, you will learn how to drive viewers’ attention to the right part of the image with simple density adjustments.
  6. Show Look – This part concludes the previous parts and focuses on image processing to modify the look and give it a unique character.
  7. Auto Color – This part is all about Ai-powered image processing. You will learn how it is now possible to replace the skill of manual 3-way color correction with a fully automated single-click approach in the Colourlab Ai.
  8. Linking Colourlab Ai with Adobe Premiere – This module explained the API integration in Adobe’s NLE.
  9. Linking Colourlab Ai with Final Cut Pro – Same as the previous module, only for Apple’s NLE.
  10. Camera Matching – The bonus module number 10 focuses on the camera matching solution in the Colourlab Ai that analyses the image content first before performing matching and balancing.
Colourlab Ai software
Colourlab Ai software. Source: Colour.Training

The company claims that once purchased, the whole content of the masterclass is forever available, it does not expire. As part of the masterclass, the participants get a fully functioning license of Colourlab Ai for a period of 30 days. Practice Media to download and use for all parts of the course are included as well. Additionally, all masterclass participants get access to the Discord community server to share their experience and get support. Last but not least, a discount code on a software subscription is included if you successfully complete the course.

Price and availability

The color grading 101 masterclass costs currently $129 and it can be purchased directly on the Colour. Training website. Don’t forget to use our exclusive code “CINED4U” at check-out to gain free access to the class.

What is your color grading workflow? Do you use any shortcuts or do you do everything manually in Resolve? Do you have any experience working with Colourlab Ai? Let us know in the comments section underneath the article.



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