
The Panavision DXL M – A New High-End Cinema Camera

Panavision has had quite the Cinegear this year. The company made waves with several new lens lines including an anamorphic line and a set of primes useful for drone pilots, but the real showstopper might be the RED Cinema/Panavision Frankenstein that is the DXL M camera. Details and a first look video here. 

The Panavision DXL M – a RED DSMC2 with Panavision Color Science

This camera may look familiar because it is built with the bones of the RED Cinema DSMC2 camera system. In short, RED provides the sensor (Helium, Monstro or Gemini) and Panavision provides the color science (LiColor2) and accessories to make one glorious rental only camera package – yes, Panavision cameras are still rental only. The 8lbs form factor is also on the smaller side compared with the Panavision DXL.

A 600nit HDR Primo viewfinder serves as the EVF for the camera and the DXL app allows for easy camera setting control.

For more information on the flagship Panavision Millennium DXL2 8K Camera with the RED Monstro 8K VV Sensor check out our post HERE.

Additional information on the camera is still lacking, but we’ll update this post when more information becomes available. The Panavision DXL M camera is available in Q4 of 2018 as a rental only (available worldwide) from Panavision.

What do you think about Panavision’s move to move fully on to modifying RED cameras? Let us know in the comments below. 

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