
Camera Comparison Chart 2019 – Updated with New Full-Frame Cameras

January 3rd, 2020 Jump to Comment Section 10
Camera Comparison Chart 2019 - Updated with New Full-Frame Cameras

The latest update to the Camera Comparison Chart 2019 from Tom Fletcher and Gary Adcock now also lists new full-frame cinema cameras. They added Canon C500 Mark II and Sony FX9 which finally started shipping. Sony Venice got updated with the new firmware with higher frame rates.

Camera comparison chart 2019. Source: Tom Fletcher and Gary Adcock

It has become a yearly tradition, that Thomas Fletcher and Gary Adcock publish their camera comparison chart (you can check the 2018 version here). As Adcock said, it serves as a useful tool for cinematographers to help them educate producers with the large variety of tools available to them. This chart is compiled with information gathered from conversations with numerous cinematographers, rental houses, and manufacturers.

The list focuses on mainstream production cameras that are available for rental or purchase around the world. This means they also take cameras out from the list every year. According to Fletcher, a great deal of thought goes into determining which camera to put on (or take off) the list. As an example, you won’t find the Sony FS7 II in the latest edition of the comparison chart anymore. That camera most likely got replaced with the Sony FX9.

Camera Comparison Chart 2019 – Latest Update

The latest update reflects the new full-frame cinema cameras from Canon and Sony as well as the new firmware for the Sony Venice. These cameras were not included in the original version of the chart and the reason was that they were not shipping yet. That is one of the rules of this chart. Now, that both cameras are shipping, they have been taken on the list.

Camera comparison chart 2019 – Page 1. Source: Tom Fletcher and Gary Adcock

The following large format cameras have been added or updated:

  • Canon C500 Mark II (added)
  • Sony PXW-FX9 (added)
  • Sony Venice frame rates (updated firmware with higher frame rates) – This is firmware 5.0, which should be available very soon in January 2020. We will keep you informed.

Camera comparison chart 2019 – Page 2. Source: Tom Fletcher and Gary Adcock

Please keep in mind the official statement of its creators:

Please note that portions of this chart are subjective. This is not scientifically tested and collected data. We have sincerely tried to assemble accurate information to share with the industry. Our goal is to help producers make an educated decision in our rapidly changing camera and optical landscape – that said – numbers do not tell the whole story – look at the images and consult your cinematographer. We encourage you to test for yourself!

As always, you can report any discrepancies to the Camera Comparison Chart via e-mail. Updates to the chart will be posted as necessary (without another email until the 2020 Camera Comparison Chart in late summer). Personally, I wonder when smaller cameras with 10-bit and 12-bit recording (like Blackmagic Pocket cameras, Panasonic S1H and other) will start finding their way into this list.

What do you think of the 2019 camera comparison list? Do you miss any information? Would you like to see some smaller mirrorless cameras on this list? Let us know in the comments underneath the article.



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