cinema5D Essentials – Our New YouTube Educational Series Goes Live!
It’s taken some time, but it is finally here. Our cinema5D Essentials YouTube Series is going live! One of our secret dreams was to find a way to support the aspiring creative filmmaking community by creating a series of videos aiming to impart basic knowledge. After all, we acknowledge our responsibility and are proud to be able to come up with something fresh and fun.
In order to help us execute our idea, we’ve asked the talented Li-Lian Ahlskog Hou to join our team. Li-Lian is a camerawoman, editor and producer operating from London and Oslo. Please welcome Li-Lian, we truly feel fortunate having her on board.
What may look easy on screen actually takes A LOT of time and effort to make. We are happy to share with you that Tilta – a manufacturer providing you with industry-leading equipment and an entire professional solution to your filmmaking needs – has picked up the glove by sponsoring our first 12 episodes. Without their support, it would have been even harder to realise our initiative, so we are truly proud of having them as supporters.
The cinema5D Essentials Subscriber Gimbal Giveaway!
To celebrate the launch of cinema5D Essentials, we will be giving away few of Tilta’s new fabulous handheld gimbal, the Tiltamax Gravity G1. Check it out on their website. Simply subscribe to the cinema5D YouTube channel for a chance to win a gimbal over the next three months!
Now, as ambitious as we are with this new educational YouTube series, we hope you understand that there is still a learning curve, room for fine tuning and improvements from our side. We will get better and more focused with time, so comments and constructive criticism are always welcome!
In our first episode, Li-Lian and Johnnie will discuss anamorphic shooting and how you can alternatively achieve the anamorphic look on a budget by using the modestly-priced SLR Magic Anamorphot-40 1.33x Anamorphic Adapter. We already recently tested this adapter and you can read more about it here. Music for that episode is kindly provided by Art List.
Thank you and let the show begin!