cinema5D is now CineD®
Cinema5D has turned into CineD®!
Because just as our industry’s gear develops, so should we!
After all those years of sticking to our good ol’ layout on cinema5D, we have decided to mix things up:
Please welcome a completely new site design, improved usability and structure of the site, better searching, better finding – and a whole lot more.

And our name?
Our brand name cinema5D originated from the back-then revolutionary Canon 5D Mark II. Already in 2008 when the site was founded, we grew out of this one particular camera and started reporting and reviewing so much more other filmmaking gear. Yet the name has grown on us and many, many others – and symbolised independent news and review content for a long time.
We felt that it’s time to move forward – while still having the past in mind, and in the new name – but revolutionizing something, too: ourselves.
The “Cine” has stayed, the “D” is still there, and we, the people behind CineD® are definitely the same (though a few years… wiser). And in case you ask yourself: “Cine” stands for Cinematography, while “D” is our cryptic, ambiguous and multi-semantic letter and the relic we chose to take with us from our cinema5D wording. Now, seriously: “D” stands for Digital – but also: Determined, Diverse, Diligent, Dynamic, Different, Driving Progress!
What did not change?
Our site still contains the same, useful, informative, and independent content that you can count on. No secret changes here. We’ll always strive to better our output and share even more information, yet this is definitely nothing new. The content you’ve valued so far is the content you’ll still be getting here. Just packaged better.
This grand relaunch and rebranding has been accompanying us for the past months and truth be told, we’re just as excited as you might be. It’s a big thing for us and we hope for it to be an improved and enjoyable thing for you. Therefore: please let us know about any disturbance you may stumble upon while enjoying the new design and functionality. We appreciate your feedback (also the good one)!
Please report bugs!
We are working around the clock on fixing things on the site – with every new website, and especially with a very complex and large one like ours, there will be a lot of bugs, whether we like it or not. Please report them to us by contacting us via the contact page.
The people & companies behind the change
Last but not least we want to thank all the people behind the companies that have accompanied us on this long relaunch journey. Thank you to user research agency Mindberry, to our designers from And Then Jupiter, to our developers from abss Interactive and to our digital agency LOOP for the amazing relaunch campaign, and Tong Audio for the sound design of our motion assets. We couldn’t be happier and thanks to all of you for your continued hard work on our baby.
Your CineD® team.