
CineStudio Brings AI Roto and Tracking to Final Cut Pro

November 6th, 2023 Jump to Comment Section
CineStudio Brings AI Roto and Tracking to Final Cut Pro

MotionVFX’s CineStudio brings AI VFX tools to Apple’s Final Cut Pro. Video editors can quickly isolate subjects and track surfaces in their NLE. mRotoAI and mTracker Surface come bundled together with MotionVFX’s top tools in the CineStudio subscription. Let’s take a closer look!

CineStudio brings AI Roto and Tracking

First up, mRotoAI and mTracker Surface headline the release of CineStudio. CineStudio brings AI roto to FCP with mRotoAI. It enables users to quickly make selections similar to Adobe’s Roto Brush in After Effects. Recently, Adobe introduced AI tools as well. mRotoAI also has intelligent tracking tools. The result is that CineStudio brings AI Roto in a powerful, easy-to-use way to Final Cut Pro. I did a couple of quick tests and found the results to be quite good. The tutorial videos focused on separating people from the background so that text effects can pass between the subject and the background.

mTracker Surface

The second big plugin is mTracker Surface. MotionVFX says, “mTracker Surface provides two built-in trackers: planar for flat and rigid surfaces (like walls, screens, etc. ) and surface for deforming and irregular surfaces (like skin, fabric, or fur).” Editors find this tracking technology highly beneficial for tasks such as screen replacements on devices, logo removal, and logo insertion.

CineStudio 2D + 3D adds VFX tools for 3D artists

mTracker 3D and mTracker 3D Area headline the products included in the 2D+3D subscription plan. According to motionVFX, mTracker 3D recreates “the 3D movement of the camera used to film your shot, simulate the original 3D space captured in the footage and extend the reality with new objects.” mTracker 3D Area builds on mTracker and provides graphics for highlighting and tracking areas using 3D tools.

Price and availability

Surprisingly, for motionVFX users, these new features are only offered in subscription plans. Plans are offered in quarterly or annual plans with 2D ($102 quarterly, $228 annually) and 3D ($117 quarterly and $288 annually) options. These are introductory rates. Team plans and student plans are also available. This subscription model is a big change for motionVFX, and their users have expressed concern on their Facebook page


Finally, it is interesting that a product like Final Cut Pro ($299) would have a plugin that comes close to the price of the host product in a single year. At the same time, making AI tools across multiple NLEs and versions of macOS is expensive. This is motionVFX’s bid to create a sustainable business model to serve its users. The challenge may be that editors often only need a plugin with effects for a one-off project. So, time will tell if their users can get enough value from the CineStudio plan to stay with the subscription. 

For more information and to subscribe, visit

Have you used AI-powered VFX tools? What are your thoughts about subscription-based plugins? Let us know in the comments below!


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