
DaVinci Resolve 18.5.1 Update Fixes Some Issues

August 15th, 2023 Jump to Comment Section
DaVinci Resolve 18.5.1 Update Fixes Some Issues

Blackmagic Design today released an update – version 18.5.1 – to address some minor issues with the latest version of DaVinci Resolve.

What to do before upgrading

If all this makes you want to make the jump and upgrade to the new version, make sure to read our article on what to do before upgrading so you won’t lose any of your work should something go wrong. As usual, it might even be worth waiting a bit to see first user reports on stability, performance, and compatibility before making the jump yourself.

Getting started – learn DaVinci Resolve 18.5 with MZed and CineD!

If you are just getting started in Resolve, check out our article on the best resources to get you going. We are about to release a brand new 6-hour “Beginner’s Guide to DaVinci Resolve 18.5” by Ollie Kenchington on our education platform MZed very soon. We will also continue posting our quick tips on our YouTube channel to give you a great start with the program.

Will you make the jump to DaVinci Resolve now? Let us know in the comments below!


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