
We redesigned cinema5D and open our doors for your films

January 18th, 2015 Jump to Comment Section 3
We redesigned cinema5D and open our doors for your films


If you’re a regular reader of cinema5D, you’ve probably noticed things are looking a little bit different today. It’s not you! Today we released a pretty drastic makeover.

With the users in mind we always try to improve what we do at cinema5D. It’s the reason why since our start as a platform for new digital filmmaking technology 6 years ago, we underwent numerous design and feature changes.

social-facebook-mouse3Today we’re launching a cinema5D that is focused on a simplistic design and easier use. We wanted to give you a better experience while staying true to what we’ve built.

We hope you enjoy the simplified social bar, login and registration features for easy commenting and the all retina ready crisp layout.

The Videolog

As filmmakers we know the need for an official place to present and share our work. On the lookout for ways to give you, our readers, a platform to show your latest films to the world we have re-implemented and built the Videolog from the ground up.


Your (latest) Vimeo or YouTube videos can be submitted to cinema5D within seconds and will display on most pages of the website up to 24 hours (If we get too many submission we will have to increase publish frequency).

videolog_selectAll cinema5D readers will be able to see, comment, rate and share your films. And as a reader you can see which camera each video was shot on.

We really wanted to give some space to the many people who follow this site. After all this should be a place for community, help and support for the fellow creative.

We have many ideas on featuring films submitted to the videolog and we’re already working on several new projects at cinema5D. Stay tuned for more!

Tell us how you like what we did. We’re eager to hear your comments, questions or critique (we’re quite used to that last one, so spit it out :)). You can use the comments box below or just get in touch and say hi.



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