Advertisement Real Time Collaboration Service Hits Premiere Pro

March 27th, 2016 Jump to Comment Section Real Time Collaboration Service Hits Premiere Pro just announced some exciting news: the video collaboration service will feature full integration with Premiere Pro, just ahead of this year’s NAB. When your project requires collusion, this collaboration service will have a huge impact on your workflow.

collaboration service

A Collaboration Service within the NLE

In 2015 when opened their doors for business, one of the first major announcements that they made was that the service was integrated with Final Cut Pro X. A year on and they’ve announced another milestone in their collaboration service’s history—full integration with Adobe Premiere Pro. The whole application has been rewritten to work within the native Premiere Pro panel structure.

The new app is scheduled to go live within the next month. Check out the teaser clip:

The web version of won’t be going anywhere, so a client who is just reviewing and commenting without ever touching an NLE won’t miss out. Within Premiere Pro, you will find a shared cloud bin which can be accessed by anyone on the team simultaneously. Other features include:

  • One-click import and export of sequences, project files, and entire bins.
  • Real-time comments directly in your Premiere timeline with no marker syncing
  • Auto-versioning for rapid iteration on creative ideas
  • Comment marker syncing for when you do not have an internet connection
  • Sync’d playback in and your Premiere timeline

This is a huge step up in terms of active user base and therefore, a big opportunity for the company. But there is competition, too. Other companies, such as Movidiam or Wipster, which both offer their own collaboration service—and they are definitely worth a closer look.

One tool to unite them all!

It’s always the same. No tool perfect for every job, nor is every aspect of a given tool 100% perfect. Let’s break some of the tools down real quick, shall we?collaboration is the jack-of-all-trades within the collaboration service market, providing everything from finding and gathering a talented team for your production to project management and, of course, post-production feedback and collaboration. You can even pay your hired team from within Movidiam! The service offers free profile accounts for working creatives, and several plans for producers and agencies, starting from $25/month. Check out our recent article on all the features of movidiam. is a true online collaboration service which enables you to gather feedback on your edit, within the video itself, after you have uploaded it. Each and every comment from clients or colleagues will be transformed into a to-do list. That’s a neat feature, as it is helping to make the traditional copy/paste process a thing of the past. The service starts at $15 per user per month.
Just recently, they announced deep integration with vimeo for a streamlined reviewing and uploading process.

collaboration service

The wipster + vimeo process

And now, aims fully integrate with the NLE of your choice (Final Cut X and Premiere Pro, at least); allowing you to exchange thoughts on your edit while you’re actually editing the piece in question—and without ever leaving your NLE. The price ranges from free (2GB, 1 project, 5 collaborators), over $25/month (50GB, unlimited projects, 25 collaborators) all the way to $150/month (400GB, unlimited projects and collaborators, 15 team members).

Which collaboration service will work best for you depends on a number of factors. You will have to find the right one for you on your own, luckily they all offer a free account or a trial period so that you can test their functionality vs. your requirements.

Is it safe up there?

There is one downside, though. It’s not a particular problem with one of the apps mentioned, it’s more of a systemic thing: Do you really want to have your precious and maybe sensitive projects fully connected and synced within some kind of online service whatsoever? Every company which offers cloud-based services claims to be secure, but history teaches us that there is no such thing as total data security. Well, you have to decide: hard drive and email vs. a state of the art collaboration tool.

Exciting times, that’s for sure!

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