
Best Full Frame Compact Cine Prime Lenses in 2024

compact cine prime lenses in front of a blue sky

Consistency and precision are two of the main reasons cine primes are more expensive than comparable photo lenses. There are plenty of zero-compromise, high-end cine prime lenses available from renowned manufacturers, often priced as high as a luxury car. However, most of these lenses are large, heavy, and designed to be operated by a full film crew. That’s why we love this selection of compact cine prime lenses that won’t break the bank!

The market for more affordable cine lenses that offer the same practical features as higher-end models has grown over the past few years. Both established and emerging lens manufacturers have taken up the challenge of producing lenses with some high-end cine lens traits, but in a more lightweight, compact, and—most importantly—affordable package.

We have compiled a list of excellent lenses that cover full-frame sensors, are compact, lightweight, and capable of delivering great images. No matter if you are working as a solo filmmaker or are part of a film crew, these lenses will fit your style.

As always, you can find all the available cine prime lenses in detail using our extensive lens catalog, which forms the foundation of our Lens Database. We encourage you to dive in and explore on your own!

For reference, here are some examples of high-end cine primes built to withstand the rigors of large productions with crews operating and taking care of them: Angenieux Optimo Prime, ARRI Signature Prime, Cooke S8/i, Leitz Prime, Zeiss Supreme Prime.