
Looking for a Great Sony A7s Battery Solution?

Indipro Tools
If you are like us, having lots of Canon LP6 batteries lying around and using a Sony A7s camera for your daily work and looking for a better option for a day lasting Sony A7S battery solution, then look no further. IndiPRO Tools is a US based company whose camera powering solutions I’ve been using during the past 4 months to my absolute satisfaction.

In the above video, Jaycee from Indipro is showing the following items:

IndiPRO Tools POWER POD Quad

IndiPRO Tools POWER POD QuadThis is the one I’m using myself. It sits on top of my shoulder pad as part of my Sony A7s rig.


Sony a7s Dummy Battery Cable

       IndiPRO Tools 69SA7This power cord is connecting the powering solution to the Sony A7s and acts like a dummy battery.


IndiPRO Tools POWER POD Dual

 IndiPRO Tools POWER POD Dual: Is a similar solution as the Quad but in a smaller form.


IndiPRO Tools 8PASA7   IndiPRO Tools 8PASA7If you are looking to enhance the audio capability of your Sony A7s (in conjunction with a powering solution) and don’t want to invest in the Sony XLR-K2M, then this solution is for you. (mind you, that no phantom power, or separate channel control is possible with the IndiPRO unit).


So, if you are looking for a great Sony A7s powering solution (or for other popular camera from a different brand), feel free to explore IndiPRO Tools at B&H as they have a large variety of solutions for most cameras currently on the market.






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