
iPhone 15 Pro – Is Another Camera Segment Now in Danger? 

November 6th, 2023 Jump to Comment Section 34
iPhone 15 Pro - Is Another Camera Segment Now in Danger? 

Here at CineD, we have been toying with the new iPhone 15 Pro/Max since its introduction, and while waiting for the results of our Lab Test to be finalized, here are a few observations that I have gathered, especially concerning, “Where do we head from here?” If your time is limited, let me summarize it for you: Generation 2 marks the beginning of the future of cost-effective, simplified, yet feature-rich filmmaking. 

They say that “prediction of the future was given to fools”, so I’ll be very cautious here. Nevertheless, based on the video and operational capabilities of this new iPhone 15 Pro, I’ll let my thoughts run free. 

While this all holds true, in many ways when it comes to taking photos, video capture has fallen short, especially when wanting to go beyond “filming the family” and such. 

“Back to the future”…

Together with Nino, my dear friend and business partner, we were among the early adopters of the DSLR revolution. As such, we adapted our working style, “daring” to offer broadcasters, alongside various other media outlets, the possibility of exploring the “large sensor look” on TV productions. (Heck, this revolution was the key reason why our site was born). And now, with the introduction of the new iPhone 15 Pro/Max, is it time to start all over again and convince our clients that the phone we have in our pocket is indeed the tool of future filmmaking and more? Let’s take a closer look.

Call me “old fashioned” when it comes to working with mobile phones for professional filming, as up until now I did not feel that any existing model on the market, with or without a third-party App (or accessories) was up to the task of offering me the flexibility, confidence, and peace of mind I needed to use it on a real job. (My definition of “professional” is a job I’m being paid for.)

Now, for complete transparency, I haven’t used the new iPhone 15 Pro for any professional assignment yet. But after exploring it inside-out, I can see clearly where the industry is headed – and this is the main reason I composed this article and am sharing my thoughts. (Click here to see how the new iPhone 15 Pro was deployed on the latest Apple announcement, and get a glimpse of what the future holds).

Sony Xperia 1 Mobile Phone. Credit: CineD

Potential competitors

A few years ago, I was lucky enough to work with early versions of Sony’s Xperia Pro phones (Xperia 1 to be exact). While the potential was there, I felt that the video performance delivered by this phone, as well as the subsequent models, was restricted. I wish the outcome would have been different as I know how much time and dedication Sony, as a brand, and the people behind this project have put into creating those phones. But back then, I felt this would not be the tool to divert me from using my iPhone or working with it in the field.  

Next came the Leitz Phone ONE from Leica. This Sharp Aquos R6 clone mobile device (same hardware /1-inch sensor size, customized with Leica software) raised my expectations. After all, a company that is associated with producing a capable line of SL cameras will pay extra attention to the video side of it, too. 

Boy, was I wrong. After working with the Leitz Phone ONE, I realized that it might be good for taking photos, but for video, A LOT was left to be desired. 

So for “family use” I found myself going back to using my aging iPhone SE (Gen 2). I didn’t go “wild” by purchasing something more advanced simply because A) the iPhone SE size was right for me, and, B) I was convinced that for “occasional use” (mostly taking family photos) it was simply good enough.  

For taking videos, I continued using whatever we had at the office, including the trusted FUJIFILM X-S20 (review here). This capable little beast has almost everything needed to make it a great family companion while doubling as a versatile tool for work, too!

Why am I picking on the X-S20? Well, earlier this year I took a few days off to travel with the family. Surprisingly, for the first time ever, I did not have a new camera or lens to test and take with me, and this led me to conduct a simple experiment. Next to my iPhone SE, I had the FUJIFILM X-S20 (together with a SIGMA 18-50mm lens for keeping a small footprint). I asked myself, “What will I use most?” – the iPhone, knowing its limitations for capturing videos, or the X-S20. 

iPhone 15 pro and Blackmagic Design Camera App. Credit: CineD


I don’t know how many of you are still taking family vacations where you are directing your kids and wives, but as for me, long ago I found out that for the sake of keeping “in-house peace”, I better lay my “director/producer/DP” hat down and just be a “father”…

And this is exactly what I did. I lived the “vacation moment” not “directing” anyone, and the results were swift. 95% of the time I used my mobile phone as this was the “ultimate tool” for capturing memories without interrupting the flow. 

Fast forward to the time after my short vacation, and I decided to share my experience and thoughts with the various manufacturers I met right afterward. In my mind, I could easily see a “mobile phone-like” device that could act as a dedicated camera in a familiar package. It means, of course, utilizing a manufacturer’s strength; otherwise, what is the point of our efforts?  

I won’t bother you with the outcome of those talks, but can only hope that the core message of this subject has come through and hasn’t fallen on deaf ears.

iPhone 15 pro with accessories from Freewell
iPhone 15 pro with accessories from Freewell. Credit: CineD

iPhone 15 Pro/Max

Anyway, this was all before I got my hands on the new iPhone 15 Pro.  

Before continuing, I would like to make one point clear. No camera manufacturer can put the funds into R&D like big mobile phone companies do. Once they spot a potential for earning money, they simply “go for it” in full force and focus on executing their plan. 

Not that I know what Apple’s master plan is/was, but the new iPhone 15 Pro is a great example of what can happen when a manufacturer presses down on the gas pedal “a bit”. 

With internal (up to) ProRes HQ quality, recording to external media via the USB-C port, flat picture profile, LUT upload, and more, this phone is now screaming, “I’m serious about business”. Top this with the new Blackmagic camera App and here you have a camera that can be controlled manually and potentially be used on your next production. Mind you, this camera App/phone combination is far from perfect; yet, it’s the beginning of something! Something that traditional camera manufacturers will find hard to compete with if they don’t react fast, I’m afraid. (Please don’t look at the present – let’s refer to this article in about two years when some of the technologies we are seeing in this new phone are coming to fruition). 

The market for phone accessories will also not stand still. Lenses, filters, cases, cages, and so on will be adapting fast to what this 15 Pro can do, and beyond, supporting it in becoming even more capable.

iPhone 15 Pro next to FUJIFILM X-S20
iPhone 15 Pro next to FUJIFILM X-S20. Credit. CineD

Last thoughts

So, where does it leave us – the professionals? Well, remember the time when DSLR, and later, mirrorless cameras were not taken seriously for what they could do? I guess that’s the point where we are now. Give it two to three years, and I would love to pen this conversation again. Am I happy with what is coming up? Well, in all honesty, I have mixed emotions. Democratizing the field we are working in with such tools can be beneficial for many, yet at the same time lead to craftmanship loss. In an age where terminology like: “good enough”, “fast pace”, and “budget cuts”, to name a few, are increasingly common in daily production discussions, perhaps these types of tools are the most suitable.

With all that said, I’m actually encouraged to reach out to the distinguished camera manufacturers and urge them to look closely at what the new phone can do. Now, more than ever before, they should brainstorm ways to provide respectful competition for those mobile devices, keeping customer choice and, of course, their own revenue in mind.

As for me, personally, in the upcoming months, I will boldly dive deeper into the capabilities of the iPhone 15 Pro, exploring it inside and out to see what it can do. From what I’ve seen so far, the future is here. Stay tuned. 

Do you see yourself giving up on your camera kit plus expensive lenses and moving to film professional gigs with a mobile phone? Do you have the iPhone 15 Pro? If so, please share with us your observation in the comment section below. 



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