RED Camera top man Jim Jannard recently posted this on the Red User Forum. It sounds like there are some great things coming from Red at NAB 2011. Here is the quote from the post on the Red User Forum.
Click here to go to the Red User Forum Thread.
“Obsolescence Obsolete… we said it. We believe it. We are delivering it.
The RED ONE was advertised as such. But we realized that it could not live up to the ongoing advancements we had envisioned, even though we offered the MX sensor upgrade which is well beyond what any company had ever done for their customers.
So we developed EPIC. And we gave our RED ONE customers a way to upgrade to EPIC without any pain.
Stage 2 and Stage 3 are our solutions to Obsolescence Obsolete. Choose one if you are a RED ONE owner. They are your choices. Don’t think past these choices… anything beyond these are not fair to us.
NAB is approaching. We will answer all your questions at NAB. We will show you more than you could every imagine. We will be a great supplier. We only ask you to be a great customers. Fair deal?”
Source: (Vision Wrangler via Twitter)