海外では最大手の映像機器サイトのひとつcinema5Dの日本語サイト、cinema5D Japanがオープンしました。今まで、英語でしか読めなかった映像機器や映像業界のニュースを日本語でお楽しみいただけます。また、日本発の記事も今後海外に発信していきます。実使用に基づく機器の評価記事やラボでの実測テストは、月30万人訪れるユーザーに支持されています。
This is our attempt to break the language barrier when it comes to news, lab tests and quality reviews from our ever-evolving industry, and bring them to those who would consume our valuable content in their native language. A lot of time and effort has gone into this initiative, and we hope to get the support of the community by helping us spread the word among your Japanese friends and colleagues.
I would like to introduce Kiyoshi Inoue-san, our partner for this initiative and cinema5D Japan office manager. For the last few months, we’ve spent a considerable amount of time together in order to bring us to where we are now with the new site. Inoue-san is an active professional who is familiar with the ins and outs of our industry, and he will be the one to coordinate our local activities and make sure everything with our cinema5D Japan site functions well and at the right place.
Besides catering for our Japanese audience with relevant and fresh content, one other benefit of opening a Japanese branch is the opportunity to produce additional, up-to-date original content from the country that manufactures much of the gear we all use, and bring that information straight to our international audience.
Last but not least, we welcome our Japanese audience of filmmakers, and we look forward to having a fruitful engagement with them. Our multi-language journey has begun, in the hopes of providing more and better content than ever before!
cinema5D Co-Owner Johnnie Behiri
cinema5DというWebサイトをご覧になったことがあるでしょうか? cinema5Dはその名称から連想されるように、シネマカメラを中心とした撮影機材を紹介するサイトです。
そこでこの度、記事を翻訳し、日本の読者にも読んでいただけるよう、cinema5D Japanを開設する運びとなりました。
cinema5D Japanマネージャー 井上 清