Netflixの最高コンテンツ責任者であるTed Sarandos氏の言葉を3月20日のニュースリリースから要約すると、「Covid-19(新型コロナウイルス)により何十万人ものスタッフやキャストが職を失った。私たちはクリエイティブコミュニティの困難を支援するため1億ドルの資金を用意した。Netflixは、インターネットの台頭とともに、コンテンツを開発、撮影、制作した世界中のすべてのプロフェッショナルから恩恵を受けた。今こそ恩返しの時だ」と述べている。また「基金は世界中の制作クルーの支援に向けられ、プロダクションごとに正確に検討している。これは、先週停止を余儀なくされた制作に対し、クルーに約束した2週間分の支払いに追加される。」とも述べている。
The Covid-19 crisis is devastating for many industries, including the creative community. Almost all television and film production has now ceased globally – leaving hundreds of thousands of crew and cast without jobs. These include electricians, carpenters, drivers, hair and makeup artists and more, many of whom are paid hourly wages and work on a project-to-project basis.
This community has supported Netflix through the good times, and we want to help them through these hard times, especially while governments are still figuring out what economic support they will provide. So we’ve created a $100 million fund to help with hardship in the creative community.
Most of the fund will go towards support for the hardest hit workers on our own productions around the world. We’re in the process of working out exactly what this means, production by production. This is in addition to the two weeks pay we’ve already committed to the crew and cast on productions we were forced to suspend last week.
また、Ted Sarandos氏は「Netflixと契約しているスタッフだけでなく、非営利団体、テレビネットワーク、あるいは他の制作会社などにも寄付される」と述べている。
Beyond helping workers on our own productions, we also want to support the broader film and television industry. So $15 million of the fund will go to third parties and non-profits providing emergency relief to out-of-work crew and cast in the countries where we have a large production base.
In the United States and Canada non-profits already exist to do this work. We will be donating $1 million each to the SAG-AFTRA Foundation Covid-19 Disaster Fund, the Motion Picture and Television Fund and the Actors Fund Emergency Assistance in the US, and $1 million between the AFC and Fondation des Artistes. In other regions, including Europe, Latin America and Asia where we have a big production presence, we are working with existing industry organizations to create similar creative community emergency relief efforts. We will announce the details of donations to groups in other countries next week.