It’s hard to believe, but 2024 is about to retire, leaving us with an impressive amount of new cameras announced during the past 12 months. Most camera manufacturers (possibly with the exception of Panasonic?) were extremely busy bringing us new toys to play with, from fully featured “cinema cameras” all the way down to mobile and pocket action cams.
While we are busy gathering our thoughts regarding “Camera of the Year 2024”, we thought it would be great to hear your voice, too! We are fully aware that you guys usually work with a specific camera from a specific brand. Yet, it might be that you admire what a neighboring company is doing with their offering, which is why we are allowing multiple answers. (Two answers in each camera category, to be specific).
And just because some might ask:
- Cameras that have been announced but lack clear specifications are not included. (So, in other words, the FUJIFILM GFX ETERNA and the Blackmagic Design 17K 65, for example, will have to wait for next year.)
- We are including the Sony Burano and Sony A9 III here, too. These were announced during 2023 but were available for testing only within 2024.
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So, what caught your attention in 2024? What camera is the one that you liked and desired most? Please be kind enough to vote and comment in the section below.