
Kickstarter – BeeWorks 5 Camera Stabilizer with Unique Kinetic Remote

November 21st, 2014 Jump to Comment Section 2
Kickstarter - BeeWorks 5 Camera Stabilizer with Unique Kinetic Remote

Check out this Kickstarter of the BeeWorks 5 camera stabilizer, a lightweight 3-axis gimbal device with a unique Kinetic Remote that follows the physical movement of the operator.

The BeeWorks 5 (or BW05) is a an all aluminum, sleek design that does well in slenderizing the form factor of a motored camera stabilizer; all motors and wires are hidden and the battery tucks up into the arm.

Beeworks 5It can proudly self classify as lightweight, coming in nearly 3/4s of a pound lighter than the Movi M5 at 4.06lbs.

It has internal cable runs for USB and HDMI that run through the carriage to the handle, which are handy for powering the camera/wireless remote and monitoring.

The stand is multi-functional, it has an array of 1/4 20″ threads on the base sides and spine meaning it can mount to a variety of suction mounts and other industry stand rigging.

Further more, the overall design is compact, with the stand and remote it packs down into a single carry on size case. The payload of the BeeWorks 5 stabilizer is reflects, clearly targeted at small DSLRs and mirrorless cameras such as the Sony A7S with a maximum weight of 5lbs.

Beeworks 5_3

The BW05 is powered by 3 processors, one of which an ARM Cortex-M4. The device can be connected to via Bluetooth for fine tuning of motors, and has an auto stabilize function that kicks in upon the point of switching on for quick use.

Moving onto to the BW5s USP, the top package is inclusive of the Kinetic Remote. This remote has a sensor that mimics the movement exhibited by the operator and translates this to the orientation of the gimbal. Check out this brilliant Cachorro Dançando-esque test video:

Packages start at $2,740 for the basic package. For more info on the BW05 and its rewards schemes check out the Kickstarter page.



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