
Letus Hawk Viewfinder Review By El Skid.

January 4th, 2011 Jump to Comment Section

***This is a Spoof Video. A little humor here.

Robin Schmidt over at El Skid Blog posted a review of the Letus Hawk viewfinder. He breaks it down for us very nicely. Robin is very honest in his review. He did take the time to let the manufacture defend their products faults. Here is what he has to say about the Letus Hawk Viewfinder.

Check it out here.

“Putting the full Redrock, Hawk (and chamois cover) to my eye I have to say I really liked it. For all the niggles and annoyances listed above the moment you put the Hawk to your eye and start shooting they all start to ease away. I have the Redrock balanced perfectly now and adding a viewfinder to the mix makes the whole system feel very stable. The Hawk delivers the best version of the screen I’ve seen optically. And that’s its big promise, ’3 custom lenses in 2 groups’ – so you’d expect it to be good. The Z-Finder always used to make what I was seeing look smeary and dirty but the Hawk is clean and clear, with a small amount of barrelling around the corners but not so you’d really care. It features 2.75x magnification which is a decent compromise (possibly still a little too much for me, but it’s all personal preference). As I said before you can see pixels and that does make it hard to really judge focus on wider shots where the details are smaller, particularly text, and that’s a problem for me. You can adjust the focus of the Hawk with a beautifully smooth diopter but make sure the lens unit is fully screwed in or you could mistake it for the diopter itself, I did! Did it fog up? Yes, but I’d been running with the camera and was sweating when I put it up to my eye. At all other times it stayed clear and usable. Just out of curiosity I decided to put the old Z-Finder on the camera just for a giggle to see if I’d been too harsh on it. It fogged up in under a minute. That’s just not acceptable. I’ve now sold it.”

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