Convergent Design, maker of the famous nanoFlash & Gemini 4:4:4 just announced a new recorder that looks very nice and promising. This field recorder + oled monitor is targeted at HDSLR indie filmmakers as well as professionals with a codec license lease system.
Many filmmakers, especially in documentary are often struggling with too much gear hanging from their camera rig and cameras taking too long to setup. Harddisk recorders and monitors could be built into cameras, but so far the camera manufacturers have not come up with a device that fulfills those needs. Once again a gear manufacturer wants to make our lives easier:
Convergent Design has come up with a monitor / field recorder combination that looks very promising as the field recorder AND monitor seem to offer a lot of quality and functionality (on paper) in a very compact and affordable package.
At the competitive pricepoint of $1295 this device is worth a closer look.
There’s a catch to the price though, which I think is actually a good idea for an expandable product. The recording formats have to be leased. So can rent ArriRAW for a day or two and pay accordingly. No info on the pricepoint of those leases.
They will also be offering a “Q” version which can record 4 streams simultaneously…
Details / Technical Specs:
– 7.7″ OLED, 1280×800, RGB 8-Bit
– SDI Video I/O
– HDMI Video I/O (up to 1080p60 422 8-bit)
– HD/2K RGB 444 8/10/12-Bit up to 60p/60psf
– HD/2K YCC 422 8/10-Bit Up to 120p, QHD/4K 422 up to 30fps
– ARRIRAW (16:9) 12-bit up to 60fps, ARRIRAW (4:3) 12-bit up to 48fps
– Canon Raw QHD/4K 10-bit up to 60fps
– LUT Support (ARRI, Canon, Sony)
– High-Speed (120fps) and Simultaneous RAW + Proxy (DNxHD-36) mode
– Record File Formats: DNxHD, Uncompressed, HD/2K Raw, Canon Raw, ARRIRAW
– SDI record trigger (ARRI, Canon, Panasonic, Red, Sony)
– 2-Channel Embedded Audio (48KHz, 24-bit)
– Odyssey7Q adds 8-Chan support
– Recording Media: 2.5″ server grade SSD in 240/480/960 GB sizes
– compatible with off the shelf USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt adapters
– Weight: 540 grams / 1.2 lbs, cast-magnesium case
– Size: 7.9″ x 6.1″ x 1.0″ (200 x 155 x 25 mm)
When will it be available? No info yet.
And here’s their web ad:
Additional information on their website: convergent-design.com/Products/Odyssey7.aspx