
RED Scarlet Delayed Again. Jannard Bashes HDSLR.


I missed this out of the gate while traveling to Chicago to teach the Canon EOS Moving Image Workshops. I have done my best to stay away from any RED bashing but this is as desperate as it gets. Mr. Jannard must be in a real pinch with the further delay of the RED Scarlet and the loss of the current manufacture. HDSLR’s have opened the door to many new filmmakers. My A.C. Chris Collins pointed out that HDSLR’s have given him the opportunity to shoot and get better in the process. The 1080p image quality has integrated seamlessly into many professional productions. HDSLR’s are relatively inexpensive and support equipment can be found very easily around the globe. They truly have revolutionized filmmaking. I would never be embarrassed to be called a shooter of any kind.

Here is a direct quote from the man himself Mr. Jim Jannard from the Red User Website.

“I fully expect the DSLR mfgs to get it right at some point. Make a non-line-skipping 4K camera. At that point, the difference will be RAW 5K and 6K vs. whatever they make. Until then, a line-skipping 1080P camera is just not in the running for a pro camera. Can you make OK images with a line-skipping 1080P camera? Sure. Should you be embarrassed? Yes. We are not in that business.

I saw the Canon commercial about shooting “motion stills”. They should be ashamed. Just try to take a still from their motion 1080P capture…”


“So what does this mean? Obviously another delay. To compound matters, the company that was to make Scarlet has made an incredible announcement recently and has significant issues. You can probably figure out who this is. This will force us to find a new manufacturing partner for that product. When we 1st got wind of this, we decided to make EPIC in the US, hoping that the company would find a solution in time for Scarlet production. That now seems unlikely so we are now scrambling for a new partner.”

Click Here To Check It Out On Red User.


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