
Say hello to Clint – new blogger on cinema5D NEWS

October 31st, 2011 Jump to Comment Section

cinema5D is alive, expanding and transforming. There’s just too much to talk about to have 1 blogger only.
We’re moving to 2 bloggers today and we aim at getting more people in tomorrow.

Please welcome Clint Milby to cinema5D NEWS:

“From an early age, Clint Milby has been an avid student of the media arts. With expertise in television and film production, writing, music, photography and especially the HDSLR format, he is always eager to learn more and help others do the same.”

Clint has been writing for his own blog called hdslrshooter and is also involved with ProVideo Coalition and HDVideo Pro

Clint will be posting part time on this blog.
Please give him a warm welcome and support him in his task. Criticism is helpful and wanted here at cinema5D, but respect is an ingredient that shouldn’t be forgotten, in this world and on this website. Thank you!

Are you a cinema5D writer?
If you think you have what it takes to become a cinema5D blogger as well please apply at, send us a short (3 sentences max!) resumé, a sentence about why you think you’re the right person to be a cinema5D blogger and a sample article (3 – 4 paragraphs with an image or video). This is a paid job, please only e-mail us if you’re serious about it.


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