
Skillshare Announces “Join for Free” & “Stay for Free” Options

Skillshare Announces "Join for Free" & "Stay for Free" Options

We’re in this together, and we want to help.” With this bold statement, the well-known learning platform covering all types of creative classes opens up their doors widely, not only to those who would like to join for the first time but also pledges to help those in need.

Skillshare - Explore Your Creativity - Many Free Options (Credits: Skillshare)

Skillshare – Explore Your Creativity – Many Free Options (Credits: Skillshare)

Skillshare currently contains 69 different categories of lectures and training classes from the area of “Creative” theory and practices and many more courses from other fields such as “Business”, “Technology” and “Lifestyle”. Whether you’d like to deepen your knowledge in the domains of your choice, just like “Cinematography”, “Video Editing” or “Storytelling” or if you’re up to expand your capabilities towards new frontiers, now might be a great time to do that!

Skillshare – What’s in it for me?

Skillshare now offers four solutions on how to join for free or stay for free even if you already have an account!

  1. Students with .edu or .k12 email addresses from colleges or high schools (16+ of age) are eligible for two months of free “Premium Membership”. Link: Skillshare – School Verification
  2. For educators, teachers or staff members of respective educational institutions that are looking to set up bulk memberships for their students, Skillshare is available at sfteducation@ for further consultation and setting up a group account.
  3. Any first time user with a credit card but without making commitments and an anytime cancel option may instantly get access HERE.
  4. There is yet another option for anyone, even current members of the service. Skillshare offers two free months of memberships to a limited amount of people if they have to endure hardship during COVID-19 and apply HERE. Anyone can apply daily through March 2020, and the team decides within 7-10 days from the date of application based on the needs.
Skillshare - Find What Fascinates You - Photo & Film (Credits: Skillshare)

Skillshare – Find What Fascinates You – Photo & Film (Credits: Skillshare)

Impressions & Encouragement

Since I know that many people around the world are reading this these days, I’d like to point out, that although this might be a tough time for many, it is also a time for hope, opportunities, and options to grow. Any educational platform, just like MZed,, Udemy, iversity, Khan Academy or The Great Courses Plus and others are not only generally but especially currently a great way to use the time and prospects effectively, purposefully and vigorously.

Why not setup a class yourself as a teacher on Skillshare, if you have a proficiency in a particular given field – and earn money with it? Why not learn something new that will help you prosper – even from the areas of leadership, entrepreneurship or marketing – that will help you in the future?

I never spoke to a wise person in my life who said, “I shouldn’t have spent so much time in my life with learning!”

Rather the opposite. Most great teachers will admit with pleasure that they learn a lot at the same time when working with their students.

It seems as if Skillshare tries to reach almost anyone from the age of 16 onwards – especially those in need. Many students from other countries – just like my home country Germany – do not have prevalent .edu or .k12 addresses, though, and they might be from other countries such as Austria, Luxembourg, Switzerland and so on. I hope that the Skillshare team will still help those students, whether it would be through option 4, or if you reach out to them and explain that you’re from a country where these domain endings simply don’t exist.

Time of Change – Closing Notes

Now is a time of change, and the cinema5D team is with you as well – I can feel that daily through many ongoing conversations amidst the cinema5D writing crew about how to support and encourage our readers – our filmmaker family.

We’re continually looking for great opportunities for you, especially during these times. Feel free to reach out to the staff if you stumble across news and ideas that can substantially help our community. We’re in this together!

Let us know in the comments about your experiences, needs, and how Skillshare and others could or did help you!

Skillshare Team – Blog – March 18, 2020



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