After 3 years of shooting on DSLRs I’m glad that production companys have the chance to use an amazing yet affordable alternative with a camera like the Sony F3. Shooting an ad on it last week was a major positive experience for me and I can only join in to the praises that come from everywhere about this baby. What a great picture and how convenient to use it is. I’d prefer it over a RED any day and at $14k this one is a nobrainer for me. If you wanna buy it try here.
For another $3,680 Sony gives you a firmware upgrade that will activate s-log recording and HD-SDI 4:4:4 output. It kind of sucks that this feature is hidden in an expensive firmeware unlock, doesn’t it? But hey, this camera really is affordable for what it does. The firmware upgrade is available here.
Many have asked if that upgrade is really worth the extra cash and Abel Cine, the New York based rental giant has finally put their meters on it to check out the real potential of this hack. The result: 13.5 stops of dynamic range with some nice LUT options that can also be recorded over HD-SDI.
See the video below where Andy Shipsides explains and shows the additional menu options:
via AbelCine, via nofilmschool.