
Sound Devices Released NoiseAssist Plugin and Firmware V7.00 Update for MixPre Series

Sound Devices Released NoiseAssist Plugin and Firmware V7.00 Update for MixPre Series

Sound Devices introduced the NoiseAssist plugin for the MixPre II Series Mixer/Recorder (paid plugin) and released a Firmware Version 7.00 update for the MixPre Mixer/Recorder, which makes the small MixPre more powerful. Let’s have a closer look!

Image credit: Sound Devices, modified by:Cinema5D

Sound Devices Firmware V7.00 Update for MixPre and MixPre II

Sound Devices just released a new Firmware Version 7.00 update for their entry-level field recorder/mixer – the MixPre II Series, includes the MixPre 3-II, the MixPre 6-II, and the MixPre 10-II Product.

The update also enables the MixPre to have other features such as output delay both on analog and USB output up to 400ms, which ensures that audio is in sync with camera video feeds; support to the P.I Engineering’s X-Key programmable Keyboards, Sticks and Keypads as control surface; and some other improvements to the product.

Firmware V7.00 Update Features and Fixes

The Firmware V7.00 Update does not only introduce the NoiseAssist Plug-in, but also adds some more features to the MixPre-II Series, and fixes some known issues, this includes:

New Features

  • Introducing NoiseAssist, an optional paid plugin for one instance of adaptive ambient noise suppression. NoiseAssist is an advanced signal processing algorithm that reduces background noises such as traffic, generators, HVAC noise, and more. It features a simple user interface with only one adjustment, the amount of background noise to suppress. The plugin is available now at for an introductory price of $300. Available in Advanced mode or Custom modes with Record or Channel set to Advanced. (MixPre II Series Only)
  • MixPre-3 II and MixPre-6 II now have output delay available.
    When sending audio to video operators on a production set, output delay ensures that audio is in sync with camera video feeds. Outputs can be delayed from 0 to 400 ms.
  • Output delay now applies to USB Outputs.
    Prior to firmware v7.00, output delay only applied to analog outputs. Delay may be used to keep audio from USB outputs in sync with video streams, which inherently have more latency than audio (only applies to MixPre-3 II, MixPre-6 II, MixPre-10 II, and MixPre-10T).
  • Support for P.I. Engineering’s X-keys® Programmable Keypads, Sticks & Keyboards.
    X-keys products are programmable via P.I Engineering software to any standard USB keyboard functions. When mapped to the same keyboard functions as the MixPre’s USB Keyboard Shortcuts, these compact control surfaces can offer quick, tactile control of MixPre functions. Functions include Record, Stop, Play, and many more.
  • USB 1 and 2 can now be used as sources for headphone presets in Audio mode.
  • MixAssist is now available with all sampling rates at or below 48.048 kHz.

Fixed Issues

  • MixPre no longer goes unresponsive when a keyboard command is sent while in the File List.
  • Aux 1 and 2 routed to channels 5, 6 on MixPre-6, and -6 II or to channels 9, 10 on MixPre-10 T, and -10 II no longer change levels when Playback is stopped.
  • Audio level discrepancies between channel gain in basic mode and the USB Outputs no longer occur.
  • Channels 5, 6 on MixPre-6, and -6 II or channels 9, 10 on MixPre-10T, and -10 II are no longer panned incorrectly following a power cycle when Outputs are set to basic.
  • Headphone Presets with linked pairs no longer only play one side of the linked pair.
  • USB Output routing no longer allows both pre- and post-fade routing while in Custom modes with gain set to Basic and channel and outputs set to Advanced.
  • Output and Headphone Limiters no longer remain active when switching to 32 Bit Float from 16- or 24-Bit with the limiters on.


The NoiseAssist Plugin for MixPre II

Earlier this year, sound devices announced the NoiseAssist Plugin for their 8-Series Mixer/Recorder. As the name says, the plugin reduces background noises such as traffic noise, generators, HVAC noise, and more in real-time on the fly. This powerful tool is now also available for the MixPre-II Series mixer/recorders.

The Introduction Video from Sound Devices for the MixPre-II NoiseAssist Plug-in:

The NoiseAssist is very easy to use – simply adjust the amount of background noise to suppress and that’s it. With only 1 ms latency, the NoiseAssist works very fast and efficiently. One instance of NoiseAssist can run on any channel, bus L or bus R. And furthermore, the NoiseAssist can be used with MixAssist Plug-in together, which makes any talking situation sounds cleaner and better, no matter if it’s one, two or more voices.

Please be aware, the NoiseAssist Plug-in is only available for the MixPre-II Series, the original MixPre Series will not be able to install the plug-in.

Installation guide and set-up tutorial from Sound Devices:

The NoiseAssist can be purchased at Sound Devices’ Plugin Store, and it is priced at $300. You can check the compatibility of your machine by simply entering the serial number on their purchasing webpage.

Links: Sound Devices Noiseassist for MixPre II

Are you a MixPre user? Do you think dealing with background noise while recording audio is wise or better done in post? Let us know your experiences about fighting background noise on set and what you think about the NoiseAssist Plug-in.



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