
The Anamorphic Shooters Guide By: Andrew Reid

February 25th, 2011 Jump to Comment Section

Andrew Reid from EOS HD has released a book on shooting with Anamorphic lenses using HDSLR cameras. It looks to be filled with tons of good information. He is selling it at an introductory price of $19.95. Here is a rip from his blog.

Click here for more info.

“ presents a comprehensive cookbook for achieving a epic anamorphic look to your DSLR movies.After this you can be done with searching forums and eBay, because you will already know the score! All 2 years of my knowledge on anamorphic lenses, editing and shooting has been poured into this and now it can be your knowledge too.

…and that’s the tip of the iceberg!”

â–ªBecome an expert anamorphic cinematographer, all the info in one handy guide

â–ªEnable the shooting of widescreen 4K DSLR footage, 3840x1080p

â–ªThe most accurate anamorphic lens buyer’s guide on the internet

â–ªSecrets and tips never published – exclusive new discoveries

â–ªExpertly illustrated and photographed throughout

â–ªA guide to getting started, as well as more advanced anamorphic subjects

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