
The Story of the Cinema EOS C300 From the People That Made It

November 14th, 2011 Jump to Comment Section

Canon’s Senior Director of Professional Engineering Solutions Larry Thorpe Tells How the C300 Was Born

After attending the release of Canon’s newest camera, HD Magazine published a great audio interview with Canon’s own Larry Thorpe on the development of the new C300 camera.  Their in depth interview goes into the concept and creation of the C300 and its capabilities. Thorpe, Senior Director of Professional Engineering and Solutions, is definitely one of the most qualified to speak about Canon’s newest camera.  After all, he has been with the project since the beginning.

Thorpe speaks extensively about not only the specs but the abilities of the C300 (especially the sensor’s capabilities).  Through the interview, he talks about how the C300 was developed, explaining why Canon decided to offer a two mount solution. Thorpe also addresses one of the main complaints about the C300: it’s 8-bit output, and tells you why the output may be much more than it seems. From concept to creation, Thorpe breaks down what makes the C300 tick.

Check out HD Magazine’s interview below, and don’t forget to see their story at
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