
Videolog Pick: Rugged Wilderness & Mountain Man No More

Norwegian based director Egil Pedersen put some very interesting and well executed effects into this music video. It’s not often that we see After Effects done so well on hdslr low budget productions like this one.

Distorting faces in post is one thing, but to make us unsure (at least for a certain time) if it’s real or not and to implement a digital illusion so beautifully into a meaningful story is a demonstration of true filmmaking skills.

HowTo by Egil Pedersen:
… I saw an After Effects tutorial from the great Andrew Kramer at The method he used was to first stabilize a video by tracking points in the faces, then pre-compose the layer and then make a whip from the data in the pre-comp to the layer in the original comp (if you’re not into AE, this has absolutely no meaning to you). The goal is to undo the stabilize effect in the original comp, it will still be present in the pre-comp. If you now add an effect to the original layer (I used liquify to destort the faces) the effect will follow the movement of what you tracked and stabilized.

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